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Thornton Wilder, therefore, received his early education in Chinese missionary schools in Hong Kong, Chefoo, and Shanghai. Upon completing high school in Berkeley, California, in 1915, he attended Oberlin College for two years, served in the coast artillery in 1918, and graduated from Yale in 1920 with a degree in classical literature. 256 quotes from Thornton Wilder: 'Oh, earth, you're too wonderful for anybody to realize you.', 'We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.', and 'The highest tribute to the dead is not grief but gratitude.' Thornton Wilder’s debut 1926 novel is now available for the first time on audio book! An American student spends a year in the fabulously decadent world of post-World War I Rome and experiences first-hand the waning days of a secret community–a “cabala.” 本站所有资源搜集于互联网,所提供下载链接也是站外链接,网站本身并不存储相关资源文件,如资源下载链接侵犯到版权方,请发送邮件到,站长核实后会第一时间移除,谢谢书单-最新最全电子书免费下载 » 掌舵 豆瓣评分[7.70]
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桑顿·怀尔德. 桑顿·怀尔德(尼文)(Thornton Wilder,1897-1975年),美国小说家、剧作家。《圣路易里之桥》(普利策奖,1928年),小说,讲述了一位牧师试图在秘鲁的一座桥垮塌后揭示五位遇难者生与死的意义。
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The Wilder Family LLC celebrates Thornton Wilder as an international Playwright and Novelist. Through partnerships and collaborations with agents, publishers and practitioners throughout the world, we seek to introduce Wilder’s body of work to new audiences, and to encourage subsidiary works based on his published and unpublished record. 在京东找到了Thornton Wilder63件Thornton Wilder的类似商品,其中包含了Thornton Wilder价格、Thornton Wilder评论、Thornton Wilder导购、Thornton Wilder图片等相关信息
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