Monster Gotcha - Micromon Adventures for Android - APK ...
Eggs for Micromon - Android: Eggs; Micromon hatched from store-bought eggs are stronger than wild Micromon, and will develop faster. A Micromon captured in the Lucky Wheel, no matter the rarity, will have a top-tier development rate. Here is the full Database as shown in the game in numeric order. The database contains all 139 Micromon including the Godly Micromon at the end. Click a Micromon's "NAME" for more information such as a description, Attacks and Skills. Micromon好不好玩?阅读真实详尽的玩家评价,发现游戏的优点与不足,与开发者近距离交流反馈,轻松了解游戏的真实面貌。 Micromon Adventures hack, is free way to unlock or get all In-App purchases for free. This hacks for Micromon Adventures works for all Android and also for iOS smartphones.
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