Brother MFC-J6720DW扫描仪驱动和软件 VueScan的
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PIM产品数据: Brother MFC-J6720DW 多功能一体机 喷墨 A4 6000 x 1200 DPI 35 ppm 无线局域网连接 MFC-J6720DW 多功能一体机, compare, review, comparison, specifications, price, brochure, catalog, product information, content syndication, product info, product data, datasheet 软件E线为您提供兄弟Brother HL-L9200CDW打印机驱动 免费版最安全的下载地址,亲测无毒无插件,请您免费下载. MFC-J6720DW打印机 软件E线为您提供兄弟Brother MFC-J835DW打印机驱动 免费版最安全的下载地址,亲测无毒无插件,请您免费下载. 软件E线为您提供兄弟Brother HL-3140CW打印机驱动 免费版最安全的下载地址,亲测无毒无插件,请您免费下载. MFC-J6720DW打印机 Mac 会自动安装适用于以下打印机和扫描仪的第三方软件(驱动程序)。 这些信息适用于运行 macOS Sierra、El Capitan、Yosemite 或 Mavericks 的 Mac 电脑。 另外针对 Mountain Lion 、 Snow Leopard 和 Lion 提供了类似信息。 VueScan is the easiest way to get your scanner working on macOS Big Sur, Windows 10 and more. VueScan includes a driver for your scanner even though it isn't support anymore. See full list on
适用于Windows的Brother MFC-J6720DW(打印机) 驱动程序
The MFC-J6920DW is designed to help your team to work faster, smarter and more collaboratively up to A3. Connect directly to the cloud and your mobile device for instant results, or use near field communication (NFC) simply by holding your compatible device up to the sensor. MFC-J6920DW; Max Print Speed: Up to 12/10ppm (ISO/IEC 24734) Up to 12/10ppm (ISO/IEC 24734) Up to 12/10ppm (ISO/IEC 24734) Other Features: Mobile Device Printing 5 Wi-Fi Direct Brother Cloud Apps 11" x 17" Scan Glass: Mobile Device Printing 5 Wi-Fi Direct Brother Cloud Apps 11" x 17" Scan Glass: NFC Capable 7 Mobile Device Printing 5 Wi-Fi MFC-J6920DW. Multifunción de tinta profesional hasta A3 WiFi con fax, doble bandeja y dúplex A3 en todas las funciones . Introduce tu email y recibirás un aviso cuando se reponga el stock Dirección de correo electrónico. Puede administrar alertas de stock
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